Kenna's RB Story

Kenna's (FKA Gilda) RB Story

October 10, 2010 – July 8, 2023

Kenna came into our lives almost thirteen years ago. She has always had a very dominate personality from the first that we picked her up from Colorado Vizsla Rescue.

We drove from California to pick her up. Even as a puppy she wanted to be the boss. Our other Vizsla Leah was very patient with her. They became very close. Kenna had so many quirky attributes in her personality. She would make us laugh so much. She had a habit of acting like a cartoon character when you gave her treats. She would jump around and woof and bark all the while jumping around all over the place. We have never seen that from any of our Vizslas over the years. When she was young, she would watch people walk past our house. She would jump up and race to the fence to tell them to go away. She would do this up to the very end. Her later years, it was almost like she would look at the people walking by and say hang on I still have to bark at you. You just have to wait for me to get to the fence, because had to walk to the fence these days. It just made us smile. She still thought that she had it in her. The last few months of her life was hard for all of us. She seemed to be going down slowly. She started having a few days a week that she hurt so bad that we had to help her to go outside. Then a few days later she was her old self. The good days were coming farther and farther apart. As hard as it was, we knew that it was time for her to rest. July 8, 2023, we laid her to rest. We miss her personality and her love of her hooman family. 

We love you so much Kenna you are so missed.

Clint and Sheila

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